Thursday, August 2, 2007

Vienna - my personal fan story

....The most important moment and the point-of-no-return was definetley Vienna... I saw Marija at the Eurovision and for the first moment I fell in love... I was so excited, when she won and I cried with her... then I found all her songs and I knew that was it. It's very strange,because that's not my usual music taste - I hear rock and metal,but there is a king of magic in her music... I begun to learn Serbian, for me it was not so difficult, but still it's another language.. I thought I never see her and than it happened... I won tickets for her concert in Vienna and that changed everything..... The trip was heavy - from Kassel, Germany to Vienna it's more than 7 hours.First I took train to Frankfurt, than a bus to Vienna and I was alone. I asked me the whole time what the hell I'm doing.. On 06.06.07, 6 o'clock at the morning I was in Vienna, the concert was on 21:00(actually it begun at midnight). That gap I should kill and it was the most strange thing in my life... the whole day I strolled through the city and heard Marija's songs on my player.. the feeling was very special-a mix from enthusiasm, fear, impatience,happyness and many many other...
....I asked me, why I'm doing that... it's against the common mind and not typical for me...and at midnight I knew why-MARIJA... she's a phenomenon,very very special appearance.. when she came on the stage and the whole hall exploded in screaming and euphoria... Marija has very adorable and sweet stage appearance, she plays with the audience and with all the stuff, which-accidentaly or not-is on the stage, makes funny face and body expressions and is so natural...and what a voice... so strong, impressive, you can feel it - the whole pain, bitterness, happyness or whatever Marija want to express... when she sang U nedelju, I had the feeling the guy is in front of her and she REALLY begs him not to leave... I should cry... I couldn't believe I see her live-more alive and wild than ever and that happens to me... Marija has a very magnetic aura, just unresistable and is very talented, she likes very mush that,what she makes and you can see it.. then she made a pause and that,what happened was like in a film,I can't realise it still today.. I succeed to have a photo with her and an autogramm... I repeated myself not to stop breathing,I never was so enthusiastic,excited and quietly as that moment.. Marija is always in super mood,nice, ready to make all the things you wish and so more than on photos or clips or whatever... in the last moment I gave her my letter to her-I tried to write it on Serbian(of cource surely with tousand mistakes)... afterwards I could only scream and can't remember a lot...she came angain on the stage and made another brilliat part(Mito bekrijo rockzzzzzzz :) )... I never forget that,it is so deep in my heart and mind..

About 5 o'clock on the next morning she went out... I sat there and she went past me.. I was ready to cry and wanted to say her not to go... a really sad moment...
...I took the bus to the center and I walked on the empty Vienna's
streets... the feeling from the last day was there again,but stronger and mixed with a bit quiety sadness..I never expected to have such an experience.. from Marija and her songs jet so many joy, energy, desire to life and to fight... she is very good example...when I hear her,I always imagine the big Serbian corn fields, Beograd, the mountines,it's very similar to my home country... I'm happy that it happened to me and I hope some day I will have another possibility to see her, because that's a unique experience....

На български,тук


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You're great in writing! I felt as if I was there, with you, watching Marija and listening to her! Hvala puno... :*

September 10, 2007 at 2:42 PM  
Blogger Alizeia said...

thank you:)I like to bring my feeling s on paper (or nowadays blogging).I'm glad that you like it-that emotion is for sharing with other people,because of its greatness:)

October 17, 2007 at 12:52 AM  

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